Your FAQs about solar batteries answered – Vitality Issues
Solar batteries are the future of energy storage. You can store renewable electricity generated during the day and release it again at night when demand is high. This means that your home is supplied with clean green electricity even after sunset.
At Energy Matters, we know a lot of people have questions, and we've answered some of the most common questions we receive:
How does a solar battery save me money on my bill?
When the sun is high in the sky at peak times and you are achieving optimum efficiency, your modules are supplying your home with electricity, with the electricity left over. This will be exported to the grid and you will receive credits on your invoice. This feed-in tariff in Australia is around five cents per unit.
If you store electricity during these peak hours, you can use it at night when your modules are not producing electricity. They use free electricity instead of paying the full price for grid electricity, which is around 25 cents per unit.
How many batteries can I add at home or in my business?
With the options we offer, your home will easily get power all night long, every night of the week.
In the event of a failure, these batteries can deliver around 24 hours of continuous power – which can be rationed so that you have up to seven days of electricity. They are designed to only use a single battery for residential buildings, although depending on the brand, you can sometimes add more batteries for larger homes or commercial spaces.
Can I add a battery to my existing system?
Yes, it is possible, although there may be restrictions on the type that you can upgrade. Whether your existing system is three-phase or single-phase has an impact, as does the size of your inverter.
You must also contact your provider before upgrading a battery. We take all the hassle out of your hands and find the perfect solution for your home or business.
Do I need an installed solar system?
No. You can use it to store electricity from the grid, but not for free like solar energy. This is a way to save energy in the event of a failure, but it is an expensive failover.
We can help you access all of the government discounts and initiatives needed to make a solar system and battery pack extremely affordable – and it will pay off in no time anyway.
With these systems, you will never have to worry about power outages again. You never have to rely on fossil fuels or expensive electricity bills again – just enjoy life with green electricity all year round.
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