How to Choose a Solar Company in the Philippines: A Complete Guide

How to choose a solar company in the Philippines?

  1. Financing options and ROI calculation
  2. Government incentives and rebates
  3. Company experience and reputation
  4. Installation process and guarantees
  5. Quality of solar panels and equipment
  6. Customer service and maintenance


  • Choosing the right solar company in the Philippines is crucial to a successful solar system installation.
  • Factors to consider include company experience, reputation, licenses, certifications and customer references.

Investing in solar energy can help the Philippines cope with rising electricity costs and frequent outages. Solar energy offers a clean, renewable solution that reduces dependence on fossil fuels and environmental impact. By using solar energy, the country can stabilize energy prices, ensure reliable electricity supply, especially in remote areas, and create green jobs.

Therefore, choosing a reputable solar provider that fits your needs can be challenging. In this article, we will explain the most important factors when choosing a solar company in the Philippines.

Financing options and ROI calculation

Financing options such as term loans and leasing allow you to spread costs over a longer period of time while benefiting from immediate savings on utility bills. For example, banks typically finance up to 70% of the project cost, making solar installations more accessible to a wider audience.

Calculating ROI is equally important because it helps potential solar users like you assess the financial benefits of your long-term investment. Here is an easy way you can do this:

  • Determine the total cost of solar solutions, including installation and financing fees.
  • Estimate the annual savings on utility bills after installation.
  • Calculate the payback period by dividing the total cost by the annual savings.
  • Evaluate the total savings over the life of the system, typically 25 years for solar panels.

For a more visual understanding, you can also use this formula:

Total Savings – Total Cost

ROI= —————————————– X 100

total cost

Government incentives and rebates

The Philippine government supports renewable energy, particularly solar energy, with incentives to make investments more accessible and financially viable. Chief among these is the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, which significantly encourages solar energy through various incentives and rebates, including:

  • Income Tax Exemption (ITH): Enjoy seven years of tax-free income that you can reinvest in your solar project.
  • Tax reductions and zero VAT: Benefit from a lower corporate tax rate and zero VAT on local purchases after the ITH.
  • Duty-free import: Import solar systems tax-free for ten years, reducing project costs.
  • Cash Incentives: Earn extra income for powering remote areas with solar energy.
  • Financial Assistance: Access loans and financing programs from government banks to finance your solar project.

To maximize these incentives, choose a company that has experience with government programs and can guide you through the application process. Your expertise will ensure you meet all requirements effectively.

Company experience and reputation

Companies with a proven track record are more likely to provide quality service and reliable products. Therefore, look for companies that have been in the industry for several years and have completed a significant number of projects. Here are some ways you can do this:

Check their website and social media

Many solar companies present their completed projects and customer reviews online. Look for a variety of projects, from residential to commercial installations.

Check licenses and certifications

Make sure the company has the necessary licenses and certifications to operate in the Philippines. This shows their commitment to quality and compliance with industry standards.

Ask for references

Don’t hesitate to ask the company for references from previous customers. You can then contact these customers to inquire about their experience with the company.

Consider industry awards and recognition

Award-winning solar companies often demonstrate a strong commitment to excellence. By evaluating these factors, you can choose a reputable company that offers a quality system and exceptional service.

Installation process and guarantees

Another tip for choosing a solar company in the Philippines is to consider the installation process and warranties. The installation process directly impacts the safety, efficiency, and long-term performance of the solar system. Therefore, make sure you work with a company that follows best practices and industry standards.

The company should offer comprehensive warranties on the equipment and installation work to protect your investment for years to come. By prioritizing the installation process and warranties, you can be confident in the quality of your solar system and the long-term benefits it provides.

Quality of solar panels and equipment

Investing in high-quality solar modules from well-known manufacturers can have a significant impact on the long-term performance and cost efficiency of your solar system. This is especially important if you plan to install on the roof.

With high-quality solar panels, you don’t have to worry about heavy rain, strong winds, or extreme temperature fluctuations as they are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and maintain optimal performance for many years.

Customer service and maintenance

When choosing a solar company, prioritize their maintenance plans. A comprehensive plan includes regular inspections, cleanings and timely repairs to ensure optimal system performance. Equally important are quick response times to customer service requests to minimize downtime and maximize your investment.

Consistent maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your solar system, but also increases its efficiency. Clean panels produce more electricity, resulting in significant savings on your electricity bills. When you choose a company committed to strong after-sales support, you can rest easy knowing your system is in capable hands.

Key to take away

When choosing the right solar company in the Philippines, focus on essential factors for a successful and sustainable investment. With the right partner, you can reduce energy costs and support a greener future.

Ready to make a difference? Choose Solaric, the leading solar solutions provider in the country. We offer high quality solar panels and customized installation services. Get your free quote today!

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