What does it really mean to be an energy efficient person? Check out this video to find out!

Defined as the consumption of less energy or resources in order to provide and produce the same output, energy efficiency and solar energy are usually always closely linked. The traditional and ancient use of non-renewable energy for power generation creates pollution and harmful greenhouse gases, which is why investments in solar and energy efficient devices are seen as synergistic to reduce energy consumption, create savings for consumers and help the environment.

We introduce our customers:

Carlos from Quezon City made it a goal to prioritize energy efficiency when he bought and renovated his home in 2019. He installed large windows, ceiling fans, skylights – and one of his largest investments, a 1. To see also : Capstone Infrastructure brings Canada's largest solar venture on-line.7 kWp grid tie solar system. He firmly believes that energy efficiency should not only be practiced by companies, corporations and the government, but also at the individual level.

Before solar energy, his bill was Php 2,500, but after installation his bill was reduced to Php 900! Fast forward to 2020 and 2021 – if we are now struck by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, he believes his monthly electricity bills without solar power would immediately jump to at least 4k with working from home and homeschooling the kids . But because they are done and have the sun on, the monthly bill is only Php 1,300!

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Go SOLAR now!

Solaric always tells those interested in turning the sun on that it's okay to start small and set up solar systems that exactly fit your current consumption and budget. When you are energy efficient by investing in technologies and services like solar energy, you can reduce your utility bills and your carbon footprint. Read also : vs. unhealthy solar system. A typical solar system eliminates more than four tons of CO2 per year, the equivalent of planting 50 trees per year. In this way you not only relieve the financial burden of the annual electricity price increase, but also sustainably protect the environment!

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Turn on the sun

At Solaric we appeal to the Filipino sensitivity for accessibility, service and value. Before we make an offer, let's learn how to use energy. We identify the best ways to maximize your return on a hard-earned investment. We will introduce you to various strategies to help you achieve your solar goals. We want to ensure reduced expenses and increased savings for you to make this one-time, wise economic and environmental investment. We always do our best to provide quick, efficient and thorough customer service. In addition to selling solar panels in the Philippines, we're also enabling solar powered lifestyles. With this, we aim to provide endless satisfaction by delivering Solaric Service Satisfaction, from permanently reducing the electricity bill to the ultimate ZERO bill.

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Solaric is the leading provider of rooftop solar systems

Solaric has made a name for itself in the renewable energy industry as a trusted and respected leader in rooftop solar systems. Based on decades of experience, Solaric has installed more than 50% of rooftop solar systems on residential buildings in the Philippines, achieving significant cost reductions in electricity costs and milestones towards a cleaner, greener and renewable future. To see also : Duke Vitality is breaking new floor with the solar venture in North Carolina. We want every Filipino to enjoy the benefits of clean and renewable energy. Welcome to the new generation of solar and sun.

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Contact the solar experts

Further information on solar power systems and solar system installers and experts can be found here.

If you also want #TurnOnTheSun, then call us at 75040092 or 09178603141 or 09083775577, send an email or visit www.solaric.com.ph

We would be happy to explain how the system works or arrange a viewing so that we can show you options for your new home or existing apartments or businesses.

At Solaric, we turn on the sun.

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