New Hartford Town Board discusses solar project

Alexis Manore | Staff writer | Daily Sentinel


NEW HARTFORD — At its meeting on Wednesday, June 5, the New Hartford Town Board tabled a solar proposal and discussed the town’s housing needs.

The board tabled a proposal from Buffalo-based solar company Solar Liberty for a solar project along Route 8, by Roberts Road. William Appenheimer from Solar Liberty appeared before the board to discuss the project.

The solar farm would take up about 20 acres of land, and the landowner and his family own and live in the homes that would be near the solar farm. Appenheimer said that it would be barely visible, if at all, to the neighboring property owners.

He also offered to put up buffer trees around the project if there was demand for it.

“We always try to install a project that the community, the landowner and the different boards that we talk to want to be installed,” Appenheimer said.

Because this was the board’s first time seeing the proposal, they decided to table it until the next meeting to gather more information about the project and its location. If the board approves of the proposal, it will go to the Planning Board for site review, and then back to the Town Board for a public hearing and final approval.

Full article: New Hartford Town Board discusses solar project, housing | News | 

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