From Sarking to Insulation: Hidden Solar Installation Blunders

When you get solar installed, any sub-standard work done in the roof cavity is hidden away — out of sight and out of mind — until the inevitable repercussions start to rear their ugly heads.

Don’t Compromise The Sarking

The Issue:

Here’s a scenario I bump into more often than I’d like. Imagine me, moseying along a roof. See the article : Risen Vitality presents the primary series-produced solar module with 700 W energy. I remove a tile to check the roof cavity cabling, and bam, I find sarking that’s been sliced and diced, flapping around in the breeze.

Sarking is the unsung hero of your roof, championing the cause of keeping you dry and comfortable by warding off water and keeping the heat in. But here we are, cutting through it like it’s wrapping paper, all to make laying down some conduit or cabling a tad easier.

It makes you wonder whether the homeowner should really foot the bill (and we’re talking potential leaks and a chilly living room) just so the installer can have a smoother ride.

Flapping away. Sarking has been sliced in three places for roof cavity access.

A Better Approach:

Here’s a thought — why not play it smart and be respectful? Roofs aren’t just there to keep the rain off; they’ve got pathways, access hatches, and all sorts of nooks and crannies that can serve as VIP entrances for wiring, without going all ninja on the sarking. On the same subject : Radial Power Connects with Unirac for Solar Racking Solutions.

Sure, it might take a bit more elbow grease and a few extra minutes to find and use these access points, but that’s what separates the pros from the, well, not-so-pros.

On the off chance that sarking really does need a little snip, let’s not leave it hanging. A proper patch-up job can ensure it’s still keeping the elements out and the cozy in, just as it was designed to do.

One slice. Sarking cut to run the conduit in the roof without the installer getting in.

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Don’t Compromise Roof Insulation

The Issue:

Do you ever play that game where you move things around in your fridge to make space, then forget where everything was supposed to go? That can happen with solar and roof insulation. To see also : DOE goals to chop solar prices by 60 % over the subsequent decade.

You shift some insulation aside to push some cables through, but then — oops — it doesn’t quite make it back to its original spot. Suddenly, the house is chugging energy like there’s no tomorrow, and the bills start looking more like a phone number.

Insulation misplaced, maybe not the fault of the solar installer. I wonder if they advised the home owner?

A Better Approach:

What if we treated insulation like a game of Tetris, where every piece has its perfect place?

Before you go moving it around, take a moment to sketch a little map or snap a pic with your phone. That way, you know exactly where each fluffy batt is supposed to go once the cables are in place.

Getting that insulation back to where it belongs is key to keeping the house snug-as-a-bug, and energy bills from going through the roof—literally. Plus, it’s kind of satisfying, isn’t it? Like putting the last piece into a puzzle, just a bit more itchy.

Nice conduit run, maybe put the batts back where you found them.

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Aim For The Gold Standard

As solar installers, we should treat every job like it’s our own home on the line. Picture that level of detail and care, and pour some love into each project. That’s the gold standard — even the stuff that no-one will ever see.

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